Autor |
Wiadomość |
Wysłany: Wto 20:14, 10 Maj 2011 Temat postu: |
Nazwa figurki - Dodatek - Ilość - Rzadkość
4-LOM Bounty Hunter - Bounty Hunters - 1 - R
Acklay - Universe - 1 - UC
Aqualish Technician - Galaxy At War - 1 - C
Aqualish Warrior - Clone Wars - 4 - C
ASN Assassin Droid - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - UC
ASP-7 - Universe - 2 - UC
Bacta Tank - Imperial Entanglements - 1 - UC
Blood Carver Assassin - Masters of the Force - 1 - C
Boba Fett - Rebels & Imperials - 1 - VR
B'omarr Monk - Universe - 1 - R
Cade Skywalker Bounty Hunter - Legacy of the Force - 1 - VR
Chiss Mercenary - Imperial Entanglements - 2 - C
Cloud Car Pilot - The Force Unleashed - 2 - C
Crimson Nova Bounty Hunter - Jedi Academy - 3 - UC
Czerka Scientist - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - C
Dash Rendar Renegade Smuggler - Imperial Entanglements - 1 - VR
Deliah Blue - Legacy of the Force - 1 - R
Dengar Hired Killer - The Dark Times - 1 - R
Dug Fringer - Legacy of the Force - 1 - UC
Duros Scout - Imperial Entanglements - 1 - C
Echani Handmaiden - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - C
Felucian Warrior on Rancor - The Force Unleashed - 1 - VR
GenoHaradan Assassin - Knights of the Old Republic - 2 - C
Gonk Power Droid - Universe - 1 - C
Gotal Mercenary - Legacy of the Force - 1 - C
Guard Droid - Legacy of the Force - 1 - C
Gungan Bounty Hunter - The Dark Times - 1 - UC
HK-50 Assassin Droid - Jedi Academy - 1 - UC
Human Bodyguard - Legacy of the Force - 3 - C
Human Scoundrel - Legacy of the Force - 3 - C
Human Scout - Legacy of the Force - 1 - C
Iktotchi Tech Specialist - Revenge of the Sith - 1 - UC
Jariah Syn - Legacy of the Force - 1 - R
Jawa Scout - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - C
Jensaarai Defender - Jedi Academy - 2 - UC
Junk Golem - The Force Unleashed - 3 - UC
Kaminoan Ascetic - Universe - 3 - C
Kaminoan Medic - Masters of the Force - 2 - UC
Kel Dor Bounty Hunter - Legacy of the Force - 3 - C
Lando Calrissian Hero of Tanaab - Universe - 1 - R
Lobot - Universe - 1 - R
Massiff - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - UC
Medical Droid - Revenge of the Sith - 1 - R
Mission Vao - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - R
Mistryl Shadow Guard - Bounty Hunters - 1 - UC
Mustafarian Flea Rider - Bounty Hunters - 1 - R
Nelvaanian Warrior - Clone Wars - 1 - UC
Peace Brigade Thug - Jedi Academy - 2 - C
R4 Astromech Droid - Jedi Academy - 5 - C
R7 Astromech Droid - Galaxy At War - 1 - UC
Rodian Black Sun Vigo - Universe - 2 - UC
Shyrack - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - UC
T3-M4 - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - R
Telosian Tank Droid - The Force Unleashed - 1 - UC
Trandoshan Mercenary - Legacy of the Force - 2 - C
Tusken Raider on Bantha - Universe - 1 - UC
Tusken Raider Scout - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - C
Twi'lek Black Sun Vigo - Imperial Entanglements - 2 - UC
Ugnaught Boss - The Force Unleashed - 1 - UC
Ugnaught Demolitionist - Champions of the Force - 1 - C
Vornskr - Universe - 3 - C
Zaalbar - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - R
Zabrak Fringer - Revenge of the Sith - 1 - C
Zuckuss - Bounty Hunters - 1 – R
Antares Draco - Legacy of the Force - 1 - R
AT-ST - Attack on Endor - 1 - R
Dark Trooper Phase III - Universe - 1 - UC
Darth Vader Scourge of the Jedi - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - R
Disciple of Ragnos - Jedi Academy - 2 - C
Grand Admiral Thrawn - Universe - 1 - VR
Imperial Knight - Legacy of the Force - 2 - UC
Imperial Security Officer - Legacy of the Force - 1 - UC
Imperial Sentinel - Jedi Academy - 1 - UC
Marasiah Fel - Legacy of the Force - 1 - R
Nightsister Sith Witch - Universe - 1 - UC
Noghri - Universe - 1 - UC
RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - UC
Reborn - Jedi Academy - 3 - C
Scout Trooper - Attack on Endor - 1 - UC
Stormtrooper - Attack on Endor - 1 - C
Stormtrooper - Universe - 3 - C
Stormtrooper - Jedi Academy - 3 - C
Stormtrooper Officer - Attack on Endor - 1 - UC
TIE Crawler - The Force Unleashed - 1 - UC
Death Watch Raider - Jedi Academy - 3 - C
Mandalore the Ultimate - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - VR
Mandalorian Captain - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - UC
Mandalorian Commando - Knights of the Old Republic - 2 - C
Mandalorian Gunslinger - Legacy of the Force - 2 - UC
Mandalorian Jedi Hunter - The Dark Times - 1 - C
Mandalorian Marauder - Knights of the Old Republic - 3 - C
Mandalorian Quartermaster - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - UC
Mandalorian Scout - Knights of the Old Republic - 2 - C
Mandalorian Trooper - Legacy of the Force - 2 - UC
Anakin Solo - Jedi Academy - 1 - R
Cade Skywalker Padawan - Jedi Academy - 1 - R
Corellian Security Officer - Legacy of the Force - 3 - UC
Corran Horn - Champions of the Force - 1 - R
Exceptional Jedi Apprentice - Jedi Academy - 3 - UC
Galactic Alliance Scout - Legacy of the Force - 5 - C
Galactic Alliance Trooper - Legacy of the Force - 6 - C
Ganner Rhysode - Masters of the Force - 1 - VR
Garm Bel Iblis - The Force Unleashed - 1 - R
General Wedge Antilles - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - R
Grand Master Luke Skywalker - Jedi Academy - 1 - R
Han Solo Galactic Hero - Legacy of the Force - 1 - R
Jacen Solo - Champions of the Force - 1 - VR
Jaina Solo - Champions of the Force - 1 - VR
Kyle Katarn Combat Instructor - Jedi Academy - 1 - R
Kyp Durron - Imperial Entanglements - 1 - R
Leia Skywalker Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy - 1 - R
Luke Skywalker Jedi Master - Universe - 1 - VR
Mara Jade Jedi - Alliance & Empire - 1 - R
New Republic Commander - Universe - 2 - UC
New Republic Trooper - Universe - 7 - C
Shado Vao - Legacy of the Force - 1 - R
Talon Karrde - Bounty Hunters - 1 - VR
Young Jedi Knight - Universe - 1 - C
Bao-Dur - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - R
Jedi Battlemaster - Jedi Academy - 2 - UC
Jedi Consular - Champions of the Force - 3 - UC
Juggernaut War Droid - Knights of the Old Republic - 3 - C
Old Republic Captain - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - UC
Old Republic Guard - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - C
Old Republic Recruit - Legacy of the Force - 3 - C
Old Republic Scout - Legacy of the Force - 2 - C
The Jedi Exile - Jedi Academy - 1 - VR
Wookiee Elite Warrior - Knights of the Old Republic - 2 - C
Wookiee Trooper - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - C
Admiral Ackbar - Universe - 1 - VR
Bith Rebel - Universe - 1 - C
Bothan Noble - Legacy of the Force - 1 - UC
Chewbacca of Hoth - The Force Unleashed - 1 - VR
General Dodonna - Legacy of the Force - 1 - R
Luke Skywalker Jedi - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - R
Rebel Honor Guard - Legacy of the Force - 2 - C
Twi'lek Scout - Legacy of the Force - 1 - C
Aayla Secura - Clone Strike - 1 - VR
Aerial Clone Trooper Captain - Clone Strike - 1 - R
Anakin Skywalker Champion of Nelvaan - Clone Wars - 1 - R
Anakin Skywalker Jedi - The Clone Wars Map Packs - 1 - R
Antarian Ranger - Jedi Academy - 7 - C
ARC Trooper Sniper - Clone Wars - 1 - UC
AT-TE Driver - Galaxy At War - 1 - C
Barriss Offee Jedi Knight - Clone Wars - 1 - R
Captain Tarpals - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - R
Clone Commander Bacara - Champions of the Force - 1 - R
Clone Commander Cody - Champions of the Force - 1 - R
Clone Commander Gree - Champions of the Force - 1 - R
Clone Trooper - Clone Strike - 4 - C
Clone Trooper - Clone Wars Starter - 1 - C
Clone Trooper - Revenge of the Sith - 2 - C
Clone Trooper - The Clone Wars Map Packs - 1 - C
Clone Trooper Commander - Clone Strike - 1 - UC
Clone Trooper Commander - Clone Wars Starter - 1 - UC
Clone Trooper Gunner - Revenge of the Sith - 1 - C
Clone Trooper on Gelagrub - Clone Wars - 1 - R
Clone Trooper on Speeder - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - UC
Clone Trooper Pilot - Galaxy At War - 2 - C
Clone Trooper Sergeant - Clone Strike - C
Clone Trooper with Night Vision - Galaxy At War - 2 - C
Commander Gree - Clone Wars - 2 - R
Elite Clone Trooper - Universe - 4 - UC
Elite Clone Trooper Commander - Clone Wars - 1 - UC
Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier - Clone Wars - 4 - C
Elite Senate Guard - Galaxy At War - 2 - UC
Flash Speeder - Universe - 1 - UC
Galactic Marine - Clone Wars - 4 - UC
General Aayla Secura - Clone Wars - 1 - R
General Obi-Wan Kenobi - Clone Wars Starter - 1 - VR
Grand Master Yoda - Jedi Academy - 1 - R
Gungan Artillerist - Knights of the Old Republic - 3 - C
Gungan Shieldbearer - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - UC
Gungan Soldier - Knights of the Old Republic - 4 - C
Heavy Clone Trooper - Clone Wars - 4 - C
ISP Speeder - Bounty Hunters - 1 - R
ISP Speeder - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - R
Jedi Master Kit Fisto - Galaxy At War - 1 - R
Kazdan Paratus - The Force Unleashed - 1 - R
K'Kruhk Jedi Master - The Dark Times - 1 - VR
Luminara Unduli Jedi Master - The Clone Wars Map Packs - 1 - R
Mace Windu Jedi Master - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - VR
Merumeru - The Dark Times - 1 - R
Mon Calamari Knight - Clone Wars - 1 - UC
Plo Koon Jedi Master - Masters of the Force - 1 - R
Polis Massa Medic - Revenge of the Sith - 2 - C
Queen Amidala - Champions of the Force - 1 - R
Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Trainer - Jedi Academy - 1 - R
R2-D2 Astromech Droid - Revenge of the Sith - 1 - VR
Republic Commando - Boss - Champions of the Force - 1 - UC
Republic Commando - Fixer - Champions of the Force - 1 - C
Republic Commando - Scorch - Champions of the Force - 2 - C
Republic Commando - Sev - Champions of the Force - 2 - C
Republic Commando Training Sergeant - Legacy of the Force - 2 - UC
Rodian Diplomat - Masters of the Force - 1 - UC
Roron Corobb - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - VR
Star Corps Trooper - Clone Wars - 2 - UC
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - R
Tarfful - Revenge of the Sith - 1 - R
The Dark Woman - Jedi Academy - 1 - VR
Utapau Trooper - Champions of the Force - 8 - C
Wookiee Berserker - Revenge of the Sith - 1 - C
Wookiee Scoundrel - Clone Wars - 3 - C
Wookiee Scout - Revenge of the Sith - 1 - UC
Yoda on Kybuck - Clone Wars - 1 - VR
Youngling - Jedi Academy - 4 - C
Asajj Ventress Separatist Assassin - The Clone Wars Map Packs - 1 - R
Battle Droid - Universe - 1 - UC
Battle Droid - Clone Wars - 1 - C
Battle Droid - The Clone Wars Map Packs - 1 - C
Count Dooku of Serenno - Clone Wars Starter - 1 - VR
Dwarf Spider Droid - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - R
General Grievous Supreme Commander - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - R
Hailfire Droid - Universe - 1 - UC
Hailfire Droid - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - UC
Heavy Super Battle Droid - Clone Wars - 1 - C
IG Lancer Droid - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - R
IG-100 MagnaGuard - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - UC
Neimoidian Warrior - Clone Wars - 2 - C
Rocket Battle Droid - Clone Wars - 1 - UC
Rocket Battle Droid - Jedi Academy - 1 - C
Security Battle Droid - Clone Wars Starter - 1 - C
Super Battle Droid - The Clone Wars Map Packs - 1 - UC
Super Battle Droid - Clone Wars - 2 - C
Super Battle Droid Commander - Clone Wars Starter - 1 - UC
Super Battle Droid Commander - Clone Wars Battle Pack - 1 - UC
Techno Union Warrior - Clone Wars - 2 - C
Darth Sidious Sith Master - Jedi Academy - 1 - R
Krath War Droid - Jedi Academy - 4 - C
Sith Apprentice - Jedi Academy - 2 - UC
Sith Guard - Knights of the Old Republic - 3 - C
Sith Heavy Assault Droid - Knights of the Old Republic - 2 - UC
Sith Lord - Jedi Academy - 2 - UC
Sith Marauder - Knights of the Old Republic - 1 - UC
Advance Agent Officer - Alliance & Empire - 1 - UC
Advance Scout - Alliance & Empire - 1 - C
Far-Outsider - Masters of the Force - 1 - C
Nom Anor - Universe - 1 - R
Praetorite Vong Priest - Jedi Academy - 1 - UC
Praetorite Vong Warrior - Jedi Academy - 3 - C
Yomin Carr - Alliance & Empire - 1 - R
Yuuzhan Vong Elite Warrior - Legacy of the Force - 1 - UC
Yuuzhan Vong Jedi Hunter - Legacy of the Force - 1 - UC
Yuuzhan Vong Ossus Guardian - Jedi Academy - 1 - UC
Yuuzhan Vong Shaper - Legacy of the Force - 2 - UC
Yuuzhan Vong Subaltern - Universe - 1 - UC
Yuuzhan Vong Warrior - Universe - 1 - C
Yuuzhan Vong Warrior - Legacy of the Force - 1 - C |
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Vertigo |
Wysłany: Pon 20:36, 09 Maj 2011 Temat postu: |
-Spaarti Clone Trooper Demolitionist x4 (dodatek wirtualny)
-ARC Trooper Sniper
-Captain Rex
-Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala on Reek (dodatek wirtualny)
-Youngling x2
-Gungan Artillerist
-Antarian Ranger x5
-General Aayla Secura
-Agen Kolar, Jedi Master
-Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier
-Republic Commando- Scorch
-Republic Commando- Sev
-Republic Commando- Fixer
-Republic Commando- Boss
-Clone Trooper x14
-Anakin Skywalker, Champion of Nelvaan
-Mace Windu, Jedi Master
-Mon Calamari Knight
-Clone Commander Bacara
-ARF Trooper
-Senate Commando x2
-Clone Trooper With Repeating Blaster
-Heavy Clone Trooper x3
-Clone Trooper Gunner x2
-Republic Commando Training Sergeant
-Flash Speeder
-Clone Trooper on Speeder
-ISP Speeder
-Clone Trooper Grenadier
-ARC Trooper
-Captain Argyus
-Star Corps Trooper x5
-Clone Trooper on Gelagrub x2
-Utapau Trooper x2
-Galactic Marine x2
-Elite Clone Trooper x2
-Commander Gree (TCW)
-Clone Trooper Commander
-Elite Clone Trooper Commander
-Clone Commander Cody
-General Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Clone Trooper Sergeant
-Wookiee Scoundrel
-Rodian Diplomat
-Knobby White Spider
-Ugnaught Droid Destroyer
-Gotal Mercenary
-Mouse Droid x2
-Chiss Mercenary x2
-Rodian Trader
-Mercenary Commander
-Trandoshan Mercenary
-X-1 Viper Droid
-R4 Astromech Droid
-Atris (dodatek wirtualny)
-Utapaun Soldier x3
-Human Soldier of Fortune
-Jensaarai Defender
-Iktotchi Tech Specialist
-Mustafarian Soldier
-Telosian Tank Droid
-Kel Dor Bounty Hunter x3
-Twi'lek Black Sun Vigo
-Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer
-HK-50 Assassin Droid
-T1 Series Bulk Loader Droid
-Zam Wesell
-Czerka Scientist x2
-Utapaun Warrior
-Gha Nachkt
-Genoharadan Assassin
-Varactyl Wrangler
-E522 Assassin Droid
-Rodian Hunt Master
-Muun Tactics Broker
-Gonk Power Droid
-Crimson Nova Bounty Hunter
-Medical Droid
-Bith Black Sun Vigo
-Trandoshan Elite Mercenary
-R7 Astromech Droid
-Lando Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab
-Chameleon Droid
-Series II Destroyer Droid (dodatek wirtualny)
-General Grievous, Droid Army Commander
-Super Battle Droid x9
-Poggle the Lesser (dodatek wirtualny)
-Geonosian Overseer
-Battle Droid Lieutenant (dodatek wirtualny)
-Heavy Super Battle Droid x3
-OOM-9 (dodatek wirtualny)
-Bodyguard Droid x2
-Battle Droid Officer
-Battle Droid x12
-Octuptarra Droid
-Super Battle Droid Commander x2
-Crab Droid
-Security Battle Droid x2
-Dwaf Spider Droid
-Huge Crab Droid
-Neimoidian Warrior x2
-Hailfire Droid
-Neimoidian Soldier
-Techno Union Warrior x2
-IG-100 Magnaguard x2
-Rocket Battle Droid x2
-EG-05 Jedi Hunter Droid
-Quarren Isolationist
-Commando Droid Captain
-Battle Droid Sergeant
-Commando Droid x4
-IG Lancer Droid
-Durge, Jedi Hunter
-Asajj Ventress
-Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith
-B3 Ultra Battle Droid
-Count Dooku of Serenno
-Battle Droid Sniper x2
-Wat Tambor
-Destroyer Droid
-Mandalorian Commander
-Mandalorian Supercommando
-Mandalorian Trooper
-Mandalorian Quartermaster
-Mandalorian Marauder
-Mandalorian Captain
-Mandalorian Commando x3
-Mandalore the Preserver (dodatek wirtualny)
-Mandalorian Scout x2
-Death Watch Raider x2
-Mandalorian Blaster-For-Hire x2 (dodatek wirtualny)
-Canderous Ordo
-Basilisk War Droid
-Mandalorian Jedi Hunter x3
-Mandalorian Bounty Hunter (dodatek wirtualny)
-Taung Warrior x7
-Darth Sidious Hologram
-Sith Trooper Commander
-Sith Lord
-Sith Trooper x2
-Elite Sith Trooper x5
-Sith Guard x3
-Sith Marauder
-Sith Operative x4
-Sith Trooper Captain
-Sith Assassin
-Darth Revan
-Sith Heavy Assault Droid
-Krath War Droid
-Darth Caedus
-Darth Revan, Sith Lord (dodatek wirtualny)
-Darth Sidious, Sith Master
-Sith Assault Droid
-Ulic Qel-Droma
-Elite Sith Assassin
-Wookiee Elite Warrior
-The Jedi Exile
-Old Republic Guard
-Jedi Guardian
-The Revanchist (dodatek wirtualny)
-Jedi Sentinel
-Wookiee Trooper x2
-Old Republic Recruit
-Old Republic Scout x2
-Old Republic Captain
-Old Republic Guard x3
-Old Republic Soldier x4
-Old Republic Commander
-Juggernaut War Droid
-Jedi Crusader
-Jedi Battlemaster
-Jedi Watchman
-Master Lucien Draay
-Jedi Instructor
-Jedi Healer
-Jedi Sith Hunter
-Reborn (przemalowany -> The Revanchist) |
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Berooman |
Wysłany: Pią 15:20, 03 Lip 2009 Temat postu: |
Niech będzie, że ja też w końcu napisze.
Old Republic :
- Juggernaut War Droid
- Wookiee Elite Warrior
- Wookiee Trooper
Sith :
- Sith Marauder
Republic :
- Gungan Soldier x2
- Wookiee Berserker x2
- Agen Kolar, Jedi Master
- Alderaan Trooper
- Capitan Panaka
- Clone Trooper
- General Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Gungan Artillerist
- Kashyyyk Trooper
- Senate Guard
- Stass Allie
- Wookiee Scout
Rebel :
- Mon Calamari Tech Specialist x2
- Elite Hoth Trooper
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Rebel Capitan
- Rebel Heavy Trooper
Imperial :
- Darth Vader
- Heavy Stormtrooper
- Elite Stormtrooper
- Jagged Fel
- Snowtrooper
Fringe :
- Yuzzem x2
- Boma
- Echani Handmaiden
- Gotal Fringer
- Massiff
- Rakghoul
- Trandoshan Scavenger
- Tusken Raider Scout |
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Plagueis |
Wysłany: Sob 20:45, 25 Kwi 2009 Temat postu: |
Jedziem z koksem
Rakghoul 16
Junk Golem 23
Genoharadan Assassin 21
Jawa Scout 10
Cloud Car Pilot 8
Cloud Car Pilot 8
Czerka Scientist 13
Ugnaught Boss 15
Jarael 23
Razem: 137
Old Republic:
Wookiee Elite Warrior 19
Old Republic Guard 5
Old Republic Guard 5
Carth Onasi 37
Juggernaut War Droid 16
Wookiee Trooper 11
Wookiee Trooper 11
Mandalorian Scout 19
Mandalore the Indomitable 68
Sith Assasin 21
Sith Maruder 22
Elite Sith Trooper 13
Sith Operative 10
Super Battle Droid Commander 19
Count Dooku of Serenno 51
Security Battle Droid 8
Clone Trooper Commander 13
Republic Commando Training Sergeant 30
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine 37
General Obi-Wan Kenobi 55
Clone Trooper 9
AT-AT Driver 11
AT-AT Driver 11
Gotal Imperial Assasin 21
Snowtrooper 7
RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid 6
Rebel Troop Cart 15
Rebel Vanguard 11
Rebel Trooper on Tauntaun 13
2-1B 17
Mon Calamari Medic 8
Wookiee Warrior 13
Yuhzann Vong:
Advance Agent. Officer 11
Advance Scout 6
Razem:17 |
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Bolek |
Wysłany: Sob 20:43, 25 Kwi 2009 Temat postu: |
Przypominam że zależy mi na figurkach z KotORa, lub wyglądających jak z tamtych czasów
- Spearatist Commando
- Count Dooku of Serenno
- Super Battle Droid Commander
- Dark Side Adept
- Human Scoundrel
- Jarael
- Echani Handmaiden
- Tusken Raider Scout
- Snivvian Fringer
- Chadra-Fan pickpocket
- Devaronian Soldier
- Princess Leia
Stara Republika
- Old Republic Guard
- Clone Trooper Commander
- Jedi Knight
- Elite Sith Trooper
- Sith Assassin
- Sith Guard
- Mandalorian Marauder
- Mandalorian Commando
- Mandalorian Scout |
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Vergesso |
Wysłany: Sob 20:01, 25 Kwi 2009 Temat postu: |
Stara Republika:
-Lord Hoth(Masters of the Force)
-Jedi Crusader(Jedi Academy)
-Jedi Watchman(Dark Times)
-Jedi Healer(Masters of the Force)
-Naga Sadow(Jedi Academy)
-Darth Plagueis(Jedi Academy)
-Krath War Droid(Jedi Academy)
-Mandalorian Jedi Hunter(Dark Times)
-Yoda, Jedi Master(ROTS)
-General Obi-Wan Kenobi(TCW Starter)
-Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan(KOTOR)
-Kit Fisto, Jedi Master(Masters of the Force)
-Depa Billaba(Champions of the Force)
-General Aayla Secura(TCW)
-Luminara Unduli, Jedi Master(mappack The Crystal Caves of Ilum)
-Anakin Skywalker, Jedi(mappack The Attack on Teth)
-Mas Amedda(Champions of the Force)
-Republic Commando Training Sergeant(Legacy)
-Republic Commando - Boss(Champions of the Force)
-Republic Commando - Fixer(Champions of the Force)
-Republic Commando - Scorch(Champions of the Force)
-Republic Commando - Sev(Champions of the Force)
-Rodian Diplomat(Masters of the Force)
-Elite Clone Trooper Commander 2x(TCW)
-Clone Trooper Commander 2x(jeden z TCW Starter, drugi z ROTS)
-Clone Trooper Sergeant(Galaxy at War)
-ARC Trooper Sniper(TCW)
-ARC Trooper(Clone Strike)
-Star Corps Trooper(TCW)
-Clone Trooper with Repeating Blaster(Galaxy at War)
-501st Clone Trooper 2x(Galaxy at War)
-501st Legion Clone Trooper(Dark Times)
-Heavy Clone Trooper(Jedi Academy)
-Heavy Clone Trooper(TCW)
-Galactic Marine 2x(TCW)
-AT-TE Driver(Galaxy at War)
-Clone Trooper with Night Vision 2x(Galaxy at War)
-Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier(TCW)
-Clone Trooper 2x(jeden z ROTS, drugi z mappack Showdown at Teth Palace)
-Clone Trooper(TCW Starter)
-Antarian Ranger(Jedi Academy)
-Wookie Berserker(ROTS)
-Wookie Scoundrel 2x(TCW)
-Gungan Artillerist(KOTOR)
-Polis Massa Medic(ROTS)
-Count Dooku of Serenno(TCW Starter)
-General Grievous, Droid Army Commander(TCW)
-General Grievous, Supreme Commander(ROTS)
-Asajj Ventress, Separatist Assasin(mappack Showdown at Teth Palace)
-Wat Tambor, Techno Union Foreman(Galaxy at War)
-Commerce Guild Homing Spider Droid(Bounty Hunters)
-Hailfire Droid(Universe)
-Octuptarra Droid(Champions of the Force)
-EG-05 Jedi Hunter Droid(Dark Times)
-Bodyguard Droid(ROTS)
-Chameleon Droid(TCW)
-B3 Ultra Battle Droid(Galaxy at War)
-Commando Droid Captain(Galaxy at War)
-Commando Droid 2x(Galaxy at War)
-Commando Droid 2x(Galaxy at War, ale inny niż powyższy)
-Super Battle Droid Commander(TCW Starter)
-Heavy Super Battle Droid(TCW)
-Super Battle Droid(ROTS)
-Super Battle Droid(mappack The Attack on Teth)
-Super Battle Droid(ROTS, ale inny)
-Super Battle Droid(TCW)
-Battle Droid Sergeant(Galaxy at War)
-Battle Droid Officer(Clone Strike)
-Battle Droid Sniper 2x(TCW)
-Security Battle Droid(TCW Starter)
-Rocket Battle Droid(Jedi Academy)
-Battle Droid(ROTS)
-Battle Droid 2x(TCW)
-Battle Droid(TCW, ale inny niż powyższy)
-Battle Droid(Universe)
-Battle Droid(mappack The Crystal Caves of Ilum)
-Neimoidian Warrior(TCW)
-Separatist Commando(ROTS)
-Techno Union Warrior(TCW)
-Neimoidian Soldier(ROTS)
-Muun Guard(ROTS)
-Obi-Wan Kenobi(Starter Set)
-Princess Leia(Alliance & Empire)
-General Rieekan(Imperial Entanglements)
-General Crix Madine(Imperial Entanglements)
-Lando Calrissian, Rebel Leader(Masters of the Force)
-Han Solo of Hoth(TFU)
-Han Solo, Rogue(Alliance & Empire)
-Han Solo in Carbonite(TFU)
-Dass Jennir(Dark Times)
-Rebel Snowspeeder(Bounty Hunters)
-Rebel Captain(Starter Set)
-Hoth Trooper Officer(TFU)
-Rebel Officer(Rebel Storm)
-Ithorian Commander(Alliance & Empire)
-Rebel Leader(Alliance & Empire)
-Golan Arms DF. 9 Anti-Infantry Battery(TFU)
-Veteran Rebel Commando 3x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Bothan Commando 4x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Kota's Elite Militia 2x(Dark Times)
-Elite Hoth Trooper(Alliance & Empire)
-Elite Hoth Trooper(TFU)
-Wookie Warrior(TFU)
-Rebel Soldier 4x(Masters of the Force)
-Rebel Commando Pathfinder(Imperial Entanglements)
-Kota's Militia 6x(Dark Times)
-Rebel Heavy Trooper(Starter Set)
-Rebel Pilot(Alliance & Empire)
-Rebel Trooper(Alliance & Empire)
-Rebel Trooper 8x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Bith Rebel 2x(Universe)
-Mon Calamari Tech Specialist(Alliance & Empire)
-Mon Calamari Medic(TFU)
-Emperor Palpatine, Sith Lord(ROTS)
-Darth Vader, Legacy of the Force(Imperial Entanglements)
-Darth Vader, Unleashed(TFU)
-Darth Vader(Starter Set)
-Darth Vader, Sith Apprentice(Masters of the Force)
-Imperial Governor Tarkin(Alliance & Empire)
-Grand Admiral Thrawn(Universe)
-Arden Lyn(Masters of the Force)
-TIE Crawler(TFU)
-Emperor's Hand(Dark Times)
-Dark Side Marauder(Universe)
-Imperial Inquisitor(Dark Times)
-Disciple of Ragnos 2x(Jedi Academy)
-Dark Side Adept(ROTS)
-Reborn 3x(Jedi Academy)
-Imperial Dignitary 2x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Imperial Officer(Rebel Storm)
-Emperor's Shadow Guard(TFU)
-Imperial Sentinel(Jedi Academy)
-Royal Guard 2x(ROTS)
-Snowtrooper Commander(Imperial Entanglements)
-Stormtrooper Commander(Universe)
-Sandtrooper Officer 2x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Felucian Stormtrooper Officer(TFU)
-Stormtrooper Officer(Alliance & Empire)
-Dark Trooper Phase 3(Universe)
-Dark Trooper Phase 2 2x(Champions of the Force)
-501st Legion Stormtrooper 2x(Dark Times)
-Elite Stormtrooper 2x(Starter Set)
-Heavy Stormtrooper(Starter Set)
-Sandtrooper 4x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Scout Trooper 2x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Snowtrooper(Alliance & Empire)
-Snowtrooper 2x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Stormtrooper 4x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Stormtrooper 4x(Jedi Academy)
-Imperial Navy Trooper(TFU)
-Imperial Engineer(Dark Times)
-Gotal Imperial Assasin(TFU)
Nowa Republika:
-Grand Master Luke Skywalker(Jedi Academy)
-Kyle Katarn, Jedi Battlemaster(Legacy)
-Leia Skywalker, Jedi Knight(Jedi Academy)
-Kyp Durron(Imperial Entanglements)
-Anakin Solo(Jedi Academy)
-General Wedge Antilles(KOTOR)
-Talon Karrde(Bounty Hunters)
-Exceptional Jedi Apprentice 2x(Jedi Academy)
-Young Jedi Knight(Universe)
-Corellian Security Officer(Legacy)
-New Republic Commander(Universe)
-Galactic Alliance Trooper(Legacy)
-New Republic Trooper 3x(Universe)
-Galactic Alliance Scout(Legacy)
Yuuzhan Vongowie:
-Yuuzhan Vong Ossus Guardian(Jedi Academy)
-Cad Bane(Galaxy at War)
-IG-88, Assasin Droid 2x(Dark Times)
-4-LOM, Droid Mercenary(Dark Times)
-Dash Rendar, Renegade Smuggler(Imperial Entanglements)
-Lando Calrissian, Hero of Taanab(Universe)
-Tion Medon(ROTS)
-Lobot, Computer Liaison Officer(Imperial Entanglements)
-X-1 Viper Droid(Universe)
-Telosian Tank Droid(TFU)
-Tusken Raider on Bantha(Universe)
-K'lor'slug(Masters of the Force)
-Kintan Strider 2x(Masters of the Force)
-Mantellian Savrip(Masters of the Force)
-Ng'ok 2x(Masters of the Force)
-ASN Assasin Droid(KOTOR)
-IG-86 Assasin Droid(TCW)
-Genoharadan Assasin(KOTOR)
-Guard Droid(Legacy)
-Mercenary Commander(Imperial Entenglements)
-Chiss Mercenary(Imperial Entanglements)
-Crimson Nova Bounty Hunter(Jedi Academy)
-Talz Chieftan 2x(Dark Times)
-Human Soldier of Fortune(TCW)
-Trandoshan Elite Mercenary(Dark Times)
-Human Force Adept(Alliance & Empire)
-Chiss Trooper(Masters of the Force)
-Trianii Scout(Dark Times)
-Togorian Soldier(Dark Times)
-Trandoshan Scavenger(TCW)
-Utapaun Warrior 3x(TCW)
-Tusken Raider Scout(KOTOR)
-Human Mercenary 2x(ROTS)
-Gamorrean Bodyguard(Masters of the Force)
-Gamorrean Guard(Alliance & Empire)
-Talz Warrior 2x(Dark Times)
-Whiphid Tracker(Imperial Entanglements)
-Utapauan Soldier(ROTS)
-Iktotchi Tech Specialist(ROTS)
-Rodian Scoundrel 2x(Alliance & Empire)
-Trandoshan Mercenary 2x(LOTF)
-Czerka Scientist(KOTOR)
-Ughnaught Boss(TFU)
-Ugnaught Droid Destroyer(Imperial Entanglements)
-Rodian Raider 2x(Dark Times)
-Weequay Pirate 3x(Galaxy at War)
-Nelvaanian Warrior(TCW)
-Sullustan Scout(Masters of the Force)
-Duros Scout 2x(Imperial Entanglements)
-Aqualish Technician(Galaxy at War)
-Human Engineer 2x(Dark Times)
-Muun Tactics Broker(TFU)
-Zabrak Fringer(ROTS)
-Gotal Fringer(ROTS)
-Cloud Car Pilot(TFU)
-Devaronian Soldier 3x(ROTS)
-Toydarian Soldier 2x(Masters of the Force)
-Tusken Raider(Alliance & Empire)
-Ewok Warrior(Masters of the Force)
-Rodian Brute(Dark Times)
-Peace Brigade Thug 2x(Jedi Academy)
-GONK Power Droid(Universe)
-Mouse Droid(Imperial Entanglements)
-R4 Astromech Droid(Jedi Academy)
Starship Battles:
-Invisible Hand
-Rebel Transport
-Sith Infiltrator
-Anakin's Skywalker Jedi Interceptor
-X-Wing Starfighter
-Vulture Droid Starfighter
-Scarab Droid Starfighter
W drodze: |
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Gość |
Wysłany: Sob 19:58, 25 Kwi 2009 Temat postu: |
-ARC Trooper Sniper
-Youngling x2
-Gungan Artillerist
-Antarian Ranger x4
-General Aayla Secura
-Agen Kolar, Jedi Master
-Elite Clone Trooper Grenadier
-Republic Commando- Scorch
-Republic Commando- Sev
-Republic Commando- Fixer
-Republic Commando- Boss
-Clone Trooper x14
-Anakin Skywalker, Champion of Nelvaan
-Mace Windu, Jedi Master
-Mon Calamari Knight
-Clone Commander Bacara
-ARF Trooper
-Senate Commando x2
-Clone Trooper With Repeating Blaster
-Heavy Clone Trooper x3
-Clone Trooper Gunner x2
-Republic Commando Training Sergeant
-Flash Speeder
-Clone Trooper on Speeder
-ISP Speeder
-Clone Trooper Grenadier
-ARC Trooper
-Captain Argyus
-Star Corps Trooper x5
-Clone Trooper on Gelagrub x2
-Utapau Trooper x2
-Galactic Marine x2
-Elite Clone Trooper x2
-Commander Gree (TCW)
-Clone Trooper Commander
-Elite Clone Trooper Commander
-Clone Commander Cody
-General Obi-Wan Kenobi
-Clone Trooper Sergeant
-Wookiee Scoundrel
-Rodian Diplomat
-Knobby White Spider
-Ugnaught Droid Destroyer
-Gotal Mercenary
-Mouse Droid x2
-Chiss Mercenary x2
-Rodian Trader
-Mercenary Commander
-Trandoshan Mercenary
-X-1 Viper Droid
-R4 Astromech Droid
-Utapaun Soldier x3
-Human Soldier of Fortune
-Jensaarai Defender
-Iktotchi Tech Specialist
-Mustafarian Soldier
-Telosian Tank Droid
-HK-50 Assassin Droid
-T1 Series Bulk Loader Droid
-Zam Wesell
-Czerka Scientist x2
-Utapaun Warrior
-Gha Nachkt
-Genoharadan Assassin x2
-Varactyl Wrangler
-E522 Assassin Droid
-Rodian Hunt Master
-Muun Tactics Broker
-Gonk Power Droid
-Crimson Nova Bounty Hunter
-Medical Droid
-Bith Black Sun Vigo
-Trandoshan Elite Mercenary
-R7 Astromech Droid
-Lando Calrissian, Hero of Tanaab
-Chameleon Droid
-General Grievous, Droid Army Commander
-Super Battle Droid x9
-Geonosian Overseer
-Heavy Super Battle Droid x3
-Bodyguard Droid x2
-Battle Droid Officer
-Battle Droid x12
-Octuptarra Droid
-Super Battle Droid Commander x2
-Crab Droid
-Security Battle Droid x2
-Dwaf Spider Droid
-Huge Crab Droid
-Neimoidian Warrior x2
-Hailfire Droid
-Neimoidian Soldier
-Techno Union Warrior x2
-IG-100 Magnaguard x2
-Rocket Battle Droid x2
-EG-05 Jedi Hunter Droid
-Quarren Isolationist
-Commando Droid Captain
-Battle Droid Sergeant
-Commando Droid x4
-IG Lancer Droid
-Durge, Jedi Hunter
-Asajj Ventress
-Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith
-B3 Ultra Battle Droid
-Count Dooku of Serenno
-Battle Droid Sniper x2
-Wat Tambor
-Destroyer Droid
-Anakin Skywalker, Sith Apprentice
-Mandalorian Commander
-Mandalorian Supercommando
-Mandalorian Trooper
-Mandalorian Gunslinger
-Mandalorian Quartermaster
-Mandalorian Marauder x2
-Mandalorian Captain
-Mandalorian Commando x3
-Mandalorian Scout x2
-Death Watch Raider x2
-Canderous Ordo
-Basilisk War Droid
-Mandalorian Jedi Hunter x3
-Taung Warrior x7
-Darth Sidious Hologram
-Sith Trooper Commander
-Sith Lord
-Sith Trooper x2
-Elite Sith Trooper x5
-Sith Guard x3
-Sith Marauder
-Sith Operative x4
-Sith Trooper Captain
-Sith Assassin
-Darth Revan
-Sith Heavy Assault Droid
-Krath War Droid
-Darth Caedus
-Darth Sidious, Sith Master
-Sith Assault Droid
-Ulic Qel-Droma
-Elite Sith Assassin
-Wookiee Elite Warrior
-The Jedi Exile
-Old Republic Guard
-Jedi Guardian
-Jedi Sentinel
-Wookiee Trooper x2
-Old Republic Recruit
-Old Republic Scout x2
-Old Republic Captain
-Old Republic Guard x3
-Old Republic Soldier x4
-Old Republic Commander
-Juggernaut War Droid x2
-Jedi Crusader
-Jedi Battlemaster
-Jedi Watchman
-Master Lucien Draay
-Jedi Instructor
-Jedi Healer
-Jedi Sith Hunter |
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Gość |
Wysłany: Sob 19:30, 25 Kwi 2009 Temat postu: Listy Minisów |
Prośba do tych co zbierają, żeby wpisali listę tego co aktualnie mają na stanie. Będzie łatwiej z wymianami itp.
EDIT: Proszę aktualizować listy systematycznie i nie tworzyć niepotrzebnych postów ;] |
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